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Commercial Insurance
If you need a commercial insurance such as General Liability,Property Insurance, Workers Compensation or Automobile Liability Insurance, you are in the right place. Insurance World provides you the possibility to protect your business, large or small. Our commercial agents have the expertise to assist you.
The companies we represent rank among the largest commercial insurance companies in writing in Florida. Insurance World agents are professionals, specialized in many commercial lines products and always have the best solutions to help you protect your business. Would it interest you to save time and effort and locate the right commercial insurance policy?
We can help you better understand commercial insurance and its important role in your business. Look over our site – use the information and get an online commercial insurance quote in the line of commercial insurance policy you need to buy.
In most cases, commercial truck insurance is required for your work vehicles: pickup trucks, bucket trucks, catering trucks, refrigerator trucks, stake-bed trucks, box trucks and more. Commercial truck insurance comes with several types of coverage, as many as auto insurance policies. They are designed to protect your business and your employees from catastrophic loss. The coverage you need may include: commercial truck liability insurance, physical damage coverage, truck cargo coverage or motorists coverage.

Commercial Auto
Automobile Liability Insurance is the safeguard for loss incurred over legal liability for bodily injury and damage to property of others bring about accidents arising out of ownership, use of an auto or maintenance. Protect your workers and transport vehicles with commercial auto insurance from Insurance World.
General Liability & Professional
Provides you defense and damages if you or your workers, services or products cause property damage or bodily injury to a third party. General liability coverageincludes premises and operations liability for accidents and products liability claims for injure third parties.
Workers Compensation
This coverage provides benefits to workers for any injury or contracted disease arising out of and in the course of employment. Also is a program that covers lost payments and medical treatment resulting from an worker’s injury or sickness related with work. It also covers services needed to help an employee get better and go back to work.
Commercial Property
Provides protection against most risks to property, such as fire, theft and some weather damage. If a major storm or fire demolish your store and order list for delivery, you need to be safe that your business can recuperate with as little disruption as possible. With Univista Insurance, you can protect your business space as well as its contents.